I do not have a green thumb by any means, but I've found that by investing in plants that can live heartily without a ton of attention, I can add the element of a beautiful live plant in my home.
Hands down, my favorite, large plant is the fiddle leaf fig. The giant leaves kind of look akimbo and artful at the same time.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Image Via
Ikea often has fiddle leaf figs (for great prices!), otherwise they are around $150-$200 from your local nursery. To see how easy it is to care for this plant, click here.
Pathos Plant Image Via
The Pathos plant is to me, the heartiest little thing I've ever come across. I have several in my home and when I've forgotten to water them (sometimes for weeks!), it simply droops in an effort to say "please, give me water!" And then bounces right back! They range from about $15-$20 at your local nursery. To learn more about this energizer bunny plant, click here.
Jade Plant Image Via
The Jade Plant is considered to be a symbol of good luck. Growing up in Hawaii, we had these in our house, and I loved their big, fat, juicy leaves that seemed to be indestructible. Needing minimal fertilizer and moderate temperatures, these pretty plants are easy to care for and affordably priced ($10-$50 depending on size). For more information on the Jade Plant, click here.
Plants can add a vibrant and textural element to your home design. I hope I've inspired you to add something 'living' to your home! (Even, if you don't have a green thumb!) :)
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